
Showing posts from September, 2020

Tom and Colin: Enemies by nature. Friends by association.

 This is a report of a single frame from the movie Minority Report: a film by Steven Spielburg.  My claim, to state it clearly, is that this composition isolates and contrasts Colin and Tom while simultaneously comparing them. Here is my interpretation on why Steve would want to shoot these characters in the way that he did. First of all, if you squint, you can't tell these characters apart. They look exactly the same really, except for Tom's plain Steve Jobs look and Colin's professional look. Colin is clearly the more stylish man, while Tom is also handsome but very function over form. His haircut is not at all stylish because he doesn't care about the way he looks. Colin probably uses a pomade. He looks very nice. One could argue that both are professional in different ways. Which transitions beautifully into my next observation. They are similar, yet different. From the start when these two people meet, there is a rift. Tom won't shake is hand and calls him a sl...

films ive seen recently

nostalghia over the garden wall the player un chien andalou 10 things i hate about you