
Showing posts from November, 2020

American Born Chinese Frame Analysis 2

 This frame is preceded by Jin successfully asking Amelia out on a date. The previous frames, in Jin’s words, “went by in a blur” (104). Lots of little frames with sparse dialog, thus the reader moves quickly across these frames. Here, it slows down. One frame takes up the whole page. The “YES.” from the previous page sinks down from the ceiling, sinking in, soaking into his chest. This frame takes up the whole page, with lots of negative space. We slow down with this moment of low intensity, muted, cool colors. The moon in the background. It is peaceful. The line of ‘yes’s can be interpreted as leading lines down to Jin. Even though I saw the best first and then the text at the top and then the yes line, but rules like these aren’t written in stone. It’s good to know them but techniques like those aren’t 100% followed, and some of the best shots in film break rules or invent their own. The color palette was also something I enjoyed. The vivid yellow really stands out in the cool r...

American Born Chinese Frame Analysis

This frame stood out to me for many reasons. First, I thought it was a cool idea, when the protagonist breaks through “reality”, to have the actually border of the comic be torn apart. I noticed how many of these frames abided by the rule of thirds, as shown above in my annotations. In the story, the Monkey King, ashamed of his heritage, attempts to find strength in becoming a powerful human, even more powerful than God. After the king breaks reality and, showing his hubris, vandalizes and urinates on a gold pillar, he zooms back to God and is shown he was in no way more powerful than God. The pillars, revealed in the lower slide, are God’s fingers, proving in a fun way that he is always in God’s reach. The monkey kind wishes to find happiness through leaving his identity of being a monkey, yet what God is trying to teach him is to find happiness through accepting what you were meant to be: a monkey. In the lower-right frame, the Monkey King towers over God. Although he has height, God...